Category: Web Portal

Import multiple data points, into a single list item, to assist staff with locations, varieties, and counts.  


Note: Row and variety are separated by pipe (|) symbol to parse the data.


Block 1


List Data:

Row 1 | Acer | 5
Row 2 | Acer | 2
Row 2 | Malus | 3
Row 3 | Malus | 5

 Row 1  Row 2  Row 3


Step 1: Create a “Tasks” and “List” based on each location.

Click Manage >> Tasks >> Add Task
Name the task "Block 1"
Press Save

Click Manage >> Lists >> Add List
Name the list "Block 1"
Press Save


Step 2: Attach <<matching location list>> to each task. 

Task: Block 1 <-- List: Block 1

Click Manage >> Tasks >> "Block 1"
Select "Block 1" from lists
Press Save


Step 3: Select “List” an upload the corresponding data.

Click Manage >> Lists >> "Block 1"
Click "Add Item"
Enter list items