The standard Daily Report will automatically calculate an Hourly Pay Rate.

  1. Navigate to Reports --> Daily.
  2. Select a Day by clicking on green box below it
  3. Click the Expand/Collapse All button or expand an individual employee's data by clicking on the grey arrow on the right.
  4. You will then see the Hourly Pay Rate column appear.
  5. This calculation is based off of the specific Task hours, Piece Wage for that Task, and takes into account any system breaks (see Recording Employee Breaks) recorded for that day.

The table below explains each column in the above expanded report:

Task Job Activity Set Up in Web Portal
Task Type See Understanding Task Types
Active Hours Worked*   Total hours from clock in to clock out less breaks
All Hours (next to Task Type)    Total time clocked into Task
Non Productive Hours See Recording Nonproductive Time
Total Paid Breaks See Recording Employee Breaks
Total UnPaid Breaks See Recording Employee Breaks
Piece Rate Total paid per piece (above = $45)
Units Number of units produced at piece rate
Hourly Piece Rate Total Piece Rate Pay/Active Hours Worked
Minimum Wage Pay Minimum Wage * (Active Hours Worked + Total Paid Breaks)
Piece Wage Total of Piece Wage earned per Task




*Excludes System Breaks, Unpaid Break, Paid Break, and Nonproductive type Tasks

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact 2nd Sight at 509-381-2112 or