You may wish to use cellular service on a 2nd Sight Ruggedized Handheld Computer. Once a SIM card is installed in the RHC, it can be used like a phone.
The Benefits:
- Work with your own cellular provider (Verizon, AT&T, TMobile....) to set up the SIM card and package. See Activate Cell Service on Ruggedized Handheld Computers.
- If you want cell service to sync 2nd Sight app data to the Web Portal, you will only need a data package.
- You may wish to prevent employees from accessing cell/data service on the RHC. If so, put the handheld in "App Lock" mode.
- Enable "Auto sync" in the "Config" section on the app to receive real-time data on the Portal
- Enable "Sync Events" in the "Config" section on the app if you have multiple handhelds. This will allow data to be "shared" by the handhelds through the Portal.