Having trouble importing Log Data? It might be your computers short date settings. The date format needs to be MM/DD/YYYY

When you look at the import data...  do you see 23/11/28 or 2023/11/28?

The proper format should be 11/28/2023


To change the short date format in Windows 10, you can do the following:

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Go to Clock and Region
  3. Click Change date, time or number formats
  4. Select the Formats tab
  5. Under Date and time formats, change the Short date format

To change the date format in Windows 11, you can do the following:

  1. Open the Control Panel
  2. Click the Region icon
  3. Click the Date tab
  4. Select the desired format from the Short date and Long date drop-down menus
  5. Click OK

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact 2nd Sight at 509-381-2112 or info@2ndsightbio.com